
Custom Wigs & Hair Replacements

Hair Solutions by Sharon is dedicated to helping people deal with their concerns about hair loss, be it from chemotherapy, effects of medicine, or heredity. Our goal is to improve your self-image and confidence by enhancing your outward appearance. We want you to have the look YOU want. We want you to leave our salon with a spring in your step.

sharon portrait

Meet Sharon

Other salons have wigs, but no other salon has Sharon.

Meet the woman behind the magic. Sharon began her career in hair styling 35 years ago in Seattle. She was very good at cutting and styling hair but she soon discovered that fitting and styling wigs and toppers were her forte. It became her first love and passion. As she says “Finding that perfect solution for my clients is my goal. I want to make them feel beautiful and confident as they head out into their world. ” She will take the wig or topper and customize it to the client’s face and features. It very rarely looks the same on the mannequin or another client because she makes the wig uniquely YOURS.

Our Services

We are a professional hair salon with a private styling and consultation room offering services for women, men, and children. We have hundreds of wigs and hairpieces in stock and provide a variety of custom services. These services include: caring for your natural hair, wigs and custom hair systems.


men wigs


Wig Selection

Choose which style fits

curly hair thumbnail

Curly Hair

short hair

Short Hair

long hair

Long Hair

straight hair

Straight Hair

more wigs
wig & glasses

Schedule an Appointment

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    Our wig selection is constantly growing with new styles being added to our collection each month.

    Whether you are looking for straight, wavy, curly or any style – HAIR SOLUTIONS BY SHARON can assist you.